How do I sell a Course/Series to a client?

This article explains how to sell a course or series of treatments in Phorest.

 First Steps!

Before you can sell a course/series, you will need to have created the course/series in your Phorest system. If you haven't done this already, click here for a guide on how to create one.

Go to Purchase and enter the client's details at the top of the screen. Then, click the name of the staff member selling the course/series.

Click Courses/Series then select the course/series you wish to sell.


Once the course/series has been added to the sale, click Pay to process and complete the transaction.

This course will now be added to the client's Client Card, and the next time you go to book them in for an appointment the message below will pop up asking if you wish to book in one of their sessions from their course/series.


 Next Steps!

To learn more about booking in and checking out a client who has a Course/Series, check out this guide.

To learn about more areas like this in your Phorest system enroll in our Phorest - Your Day To Day course in Phorest Academy - online, on-demand, and on-the-go learning for busy salon professionals.  

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